An original manga co-produced by BookLive x TV Asahi, “One year later” based on the original work by actress Miku Tanaka…


An original manga co-produced by BookLive x TV Asahi, “One year later” based on the original work by actress Miku Tanaka…

BookLive×テレビ朝日 共同制作のオリジナル漫画、女優・田中美久さん 原作の『1年後の …
… 漫画”を生み出していく漫画リスペクトバラエティ番組です。漫画に精通した芸 能人と漫画家がタッグを組み、プロ編集者とともにヒットするウェブ漫画を…

An original manga co-produced by BookLive x TV Asahi, “One year later” based on the original work by actress Miku Tanaka…
… This is a manga respect variety show that creates “manga.” Celebrities who are familiar with manga and manga artists work together to create hit web comics with professional editors.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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