Tokushima’s anime event “Machi Asobi” is currently being coordinated with related parties to hold the event on a conventional scale in the spring of 2025…


Tokushima’s anime event “Machi Asobi” is currently being coordinated with related parties to hold the event on a conventional scale in the spring of 2025…

徳島のアニメのイベント「マチ アソビ」2025年春に従来規模での開催 方向で関係者らと調整中 …
アソビ」の再開を目指す世話人の桶田大介弁護士はこのように述べ、開催に向け、 アニメーション関係者と話し合いを進めていることを明らかにしました…

Tokushima’s anime event “Machi Asobi” is currently being coordinated with related parties to hold the event on a conventional scale in the spring of 2025…
Attorney Daisuke Okeda, the organizer who is aiming to restart “Asobi”, said this, and revealed that he is in talks with Animation‘s stakeholders in order to hold the event. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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