The Bank of Japan’s interest rate hike logic will soon reach a critical moment (Nobuyasu Atago) – Tosil


The Bank of Japan’s interest rate hike logic will soon reach a critical moment (Nobuyasu Atago) – Tosil

日銀の利上げロジックは近いうちに正念場を迎えることになる(愛宕伸 康) – トウシル
こうした物価指数のトレンドに影響を及ぼしている要因が何なのか。筆者 は、異次元緩和以前から(日本経済研究センター在籍中から)、賃金上昇率との関係 を指摘…

The Bank of Japan’s interest rate hike logic will soon reach a critical moment (Nobuyasu Atago) – Tosil
What are the factors that are influencing the trend of these price indexes? The author has pointed out the relationship with the wage increase rate even before the extra-dimensional relaxation (while working at the Japan Center for Economic Research).
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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