Anime “Shikano no Kokoko Shitantan” Escape from the legendary Matagi! Episode 11 synopsis & advance cut…


Anime “Shikano no Kokoko Shitantan” Escape from the legendary Matagi! Episode 11 synopsis & advance cut…

アニメ『しかのこのこのここしたんたん』伝説のマタギから逃げる!第 11話あらすじ&先行カット …
アニメ『しかのこのこのここしたんたん』より、第11話のあらすじと先行カ ットが公開された。【映像】のこが”ツノを外して”水洗い(6分12秒ご ろ〜) 『しかの…

Anime “Shikano no Kokoko Shitantan” Escape from the legendary Matagi! Episode 11 synopsis & advance cut…
AnimeThe synopsis and advance cut of episode 11 of “Shika no Kokokoko Shitantan” have been released. [Video] The saw “removes” the horn and washes it with water (from around 6 minutes 12 seconds) “The only thing…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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