The legendary turtle rap episode of the anime “Bobobobo Bobobo” will be broadcast on terrestrial TV to commemorate the stage adaptation – Hokkoku Shimbun


The legendary turtle rap episode of the anime “Bobobobo Bobobo” will be broadcast on terrestrial TV to commemorate the stage adaptation – Hokkoku Shimbun

アニメ『ボボボーボ・ボーボボ』伝説の亀ラップ回が地上波で放送 舞 台化記念で – 北國新聞
漫画『ボボボーボ・ボーボボ』の舞台『超ハジケステージ☆ボボボーボ・ボーボボ』 (東京・シアター1010で10月23日~31日まで上演)の舞台化記念でアニメ『 ボボボーボ…

The legendary turtle rap episode of the anime “Bobobobo Bobobo” will be broadcast on terrestrial TV to commemorate the stage adaptation – Hokkoku Shimbun
To commemorate the stage adaptation of the manga “Bobobobo Bobobo” to the stage play “Cho Hajike Stage☆Bobobobo Bobobo” (to be performed at Theater 1010 in Tokyo from October 23rd to 31st), the anime“Bobobobo  …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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