The rate of increase in the number of duty-free shops in the prefecture is the highest in the country as of the end of March, an increase of 28.8% in six months by 38 shops – Chunichi Shimbun


The rate of increase in the number of duty-free shops in the prefecture is the highest in the country as of the end of March, an increase of 28.8% in six months by 38 shops – Chunichi Shimbun

県内免税店数の増加率が全国トップ 3月末時点、半年で28・8%38店舗 増 – 中日新聞
観光庁のまとめで分かった。3月の北陸新幹線県内開業を契機に拡大し た。インバウンド(訪日客)増加への期待感の高まりが読み取れる。 (山本洋児、 藤井雄次). 観光

The rate of increase in the number of duty-free shops in the prefecture is the highest in the country as of the end of March, an increase of 28.8% in six months by 38 shops – Chunichi Shimbun
… We found out in the Tourism Agency‘s summary. The expansion was triggered by the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen within the prefecture in March. It can be seen that there is a growing sense of expectation for an increase in inbound tourists. (Yoji Yamamoto, Yuji Fujii). Tourism …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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