“After all, there’s a kissing scene here…” “I don’t have to draw it myself anymore” To draw a BL manga…


“After all, there’s a kissing scene here…” “I don’t have to draw it myself anymore” To draw a BL manga…

「やっぱりここにキスシーンを…」「もううちで描かなくてもいいです よ」BLマンガを描くために …
中国では規制のため自由にBLマンガが描けず悶々としていた、マンガ家の卵・夢言(ムゲン)。そんな時、お見合いの話が舞い込んだ。相手は同級生 だった致遠。

“After all, there’s a kissing scene here…” “I don’t have to draw it myself anymore” To draw a BL manga…
Mugen, an aspiring manga artist, was unable to freely draw BL manga in China due to regulations. At that time, a story about an arranged marriage came up. The opponent was Chien, who was a classmate.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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