Shrines in Nagasaki and Tsushima “ban” Korean tourists after being assaulted by smoking, littering, and backlash – TV Asahi News


Shrines in Nagasaki and Tsushima “ban” Korean tourists after being assaulted by smoking, littering, and backlash – TV Asahi News

喫煙、ポイ捨て、逆ギレで暴行され 長崎・対馬の神社が韓国人観光客 を“出禁” – テレ朝news
和多都美神社. たばこを吸う韓国人観光客. 注意すると… 至る所にはたばこ の吸い殻が… 境内の入り口. 神社は… 京都・八坂神社. 苦渋の決断…

Shrines in Nagasaki and Tsushima “ban” Korean tourists after being assaulted by smoking, littering, and backlash – TV Asahi News
Watatomi Shrine. A Korean tourist customer smoking a cigarette. If you are careful… There are cigarette butts everywhere… Entrance to the shrine grounds. The shrine is… Kyoto・Yasaka Shrine. A difficult decision…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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