Has the Japanese people finally begun to “leave Kyoto”? The reality is that over 70% of guests staying in the city are foreigners, and tourists with children…


Has the Japanese people finally begun to “leave Kyoto”? The reality is that over 70% of guests staying in the city are foreigners, and tourists with children…

日本人の“京都離れ”が遂に始まった? 市内の宿泊客「外国人70%超」の 現実、子連れ観光客は …
京都市内の主要ホテルに宿泊する外国人客の割合が4月に初めて7割を超えたことが分 かった。円安による訪日外国人観光客の増加や国内客の減少などが要因と 見…

Has the Japanese people finally begun to “leave Kyoto”? The reality is that over 70% of guests staying in the city are foreigners, and tourists with children…
It was revealed that the percentage of foreign guests staying at major hotels in Kyoto City exceeded 70% for the first time in April. This is thought to be due to an increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan due to the weak yen and a decrease in domestic tourists. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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