If you want to break out of the rut, change your bottoms! | Doctors LIFESTYLE | m3.com


[Manga] If you want to break out of the rut, change your bottoms! | Doctors LIFESTYLE | m3.com

【漫画】マンネリ打破したければボトムスを変えよう! | Doctors LIFESTYLE | m3.com
m3.com Doctors LIFESTYLEでは医師約2600名の皆さまの「服装にまつわるお悩みアン ケート」回答結果をもとに、見え方が変わる着こなしポイントを漫画でわか り…

[Manga] If you want to break out of the rut, change your bottoms! | Doctors LIFESTYLE | m3.com
At m3.com Doctors LIFESTYLE, you can find out the points of dressing that will change the way you look in Manga, based on the results of the “Clothing Concerns Questionnaire” answered by approximately 2,600 doctors. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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