Haruki Murakami’s first animated film, “Blind Willow and Sleeping Woman” depicts the feeling of loss after the earthquake – Toyo Keizai Online


Haruki Murakami’s first animated film, “Blind Willow and Sleeping Woman” depicts the feeling of loss after the earthquake – Toyo Keizai Online

村上春樹初のアニメ映画、震災後の喪失感を描く 映画『めくらやなぎと 眠る女』 – 東洋経済オンライン
『めくらやなぎと眠る女』『ねじまき鳥と火曜日の女たち』ほか6つの村上春樹短編 作品原作の初のアニメーション映画。監督は音楽家でアニメーション作家の…

Haruki Murakami’s first animated film, “Blind Willow and Sleeping Woman” depicts the feeling of loss after the earthquake – Toyo Keizai Online
The first animation film based on Haruki Murakami’s six short works, including “The Blind Willow and the Sleeping Woman” and “The Wind-up Bird and the Tuesday Women.” The director is a musician and animation writer …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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