“An Old Man from the Countryside Becomes a Kensei” has been decided to be made into an anime. 2025 with the lineup of Passione x Hayabusa Film…


“An Old Man from the Countryside Becomes a Kensei” has been decided to be made into an anime. 2025 with the lineup of Passione x Hayabusa Film…

『片田舎のおっさん、剣聖になる』アニメ化決定。パッショーネ×ハヤ ブサフィルムの布陣で2025 …
著者・佐賀崎しげるさん、イラストレーター・鍋島テツヒロさんによる小説『片田舎 のおっさん、剣聖になる』のアニメ化が決定しました。

“An Old Man from the Countryside Becomes a Kensei” has been decided to be made into an anime. 2025 with the lineup of Passione x Hayabusa Film…
It has been decided that the novel “The Countryside Old Man Becomes a Kensei” by author Shigeru Sagazaki and illustrator Tetsuhiro Nabeshima will be made into an anime.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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