Infiltrating the “Okitsura” anime production site! Manga by Egumi Sora: “The girl I fell in love with in Okinawa speaks so much dialect that it’s too hard”


Infiltrating the “Okitsura” anime production site! Manga by Egumi Sora: “The girl I fell in love with in Okinawa speaks so much dialect that it’s too hard”

”沖ツラ”アニメ制作現場に潜入!空えぐみ作 漫画『沖縄で好きになっ た子が方言すぎてツラすぎる』
アニメ制作が進む現場で、総監督を務める板垣伸さんにマンガとは一味違っ た見どころなどを伺った。 漫画”沖ツラ”は累計発行部数が35万部超. 東京から沖縄 に…

Infiltrating the “Okitsura” anime production site! Manga by Egumi Sora: “The girl I fell in love with in Okinawa speaks so much dialect that it’s too hard”
Anime As production progresses, we asked Nobu Itagaki, the general director, about the highlights that are a little different from the manga. The manga “Okitsura” has a total circulation of over 350,000 copies. From Tokyo to Okinawa …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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