What is the last name of the anime character you admire? Survey deadline is September 11th


What is the last name of the anime character you admire? Survey deadline is September 11th

憧れるアニメキャラの“苗字”は? アンケート〆切は9月11日
アニメにはさまざまな苗字のキャラクターが存在します。実在するものか ら、架空のものまで幅広く、苗字の響きやイメージによってキャラの印象が左右され るほど。

What is the last name of the anime character you admire? Survey deadline is September 11th
Anime has characters with various surnames. They range from real to fictional, and the impression of the character can be influenced by the sound and image of the surname.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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