Conte-kun’s popular manga “Boys’ School Ecology” will be made into an anime commercial produced by a local company in Hiroshima City [Video included]


Conte-kun’s popular manga “Boys’ School Ecology” will be made into an anime commercial produced by a local company in Hiroshima City [Video included]

コンテくんの人気漫画「男子校の生態」がアニメCMに 地元・広島市の 企業が制作【動画あり】
2023年の広島本大賞コミック部門を受賞した漫画「男子校の生態」(KADOKAWA)が、 初めてアニメCMになった。広島市出身の作者コンテくんが、母校をモデルに 描く…

Conte-kun’s popular manga “Boys’ School Ecology” will be made into an anime commercial produced by a local company in Hiroshima City [Video included]
The manga “Boys’ School Ecology” (KADOKAWA), which won the 2023 Hiroshima Book Award in the comics category, has become an anime commercial for the first time. Conte-kun, an author from Hiroshima City, uses his alma mater as a model for his drawings. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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