“Pokemon” Short Anime “Tonam” released. Softly, people return home with Pokemon …


“Pokemon” Short Anime “Tonam” released. Softly, people return home with Pokemon …

『ポケモン』短編アニメ『ただいま』公開。人々がポケモンと一緒に帰 省する様子をやわらかく …
ポケモンは、中国のアニメスタジオ寒木春華(HMCH)と共同制作したスペシ ャルアニメ『ただいま』をポケモン公式YouTubeチャンネルで公開した。

“Pokemon” Short Anime “Tonam” released. Softly, people return home with Pokemon …
Pokemon has released a special animation “Hock” on the Pokemon Official YouTube channel, co -produced by Chinese Anime Studio Kanki Haruka (HMCH).
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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