2024 Winter animation, what characters did you fall in love at first sight? Survey deadline is February 19th


2024 Winter animation, what characters did you fall in love at first sight? Survey deadline is February 19th

2024年冬アニメ、一目惚れしたキャラは? アンケート〆切は2月19日
2024年冬アニメがスタートして、1ヶ月が経ちました。 今期の作品も魅力的 なキャラクターたちが多数登場しています。物語のメインとなる主人公はもちろ ん、…

2024 Winter animation, what characters did you fall in love at first sight? Survey deadline is February 19th
One month has passed since the 2024 winter animation started. Many attractive characters have appeared in this term. Not only the hero who is the main story, but also …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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