[Tonight broadcast] “Pet” cast, synopsis summary of dubbing voice actors are that popular comedy combination! Short film …


[Tonight broadcast] “Pet” cast, synopsis summary of dubbing voice actors are that popular comedy combination! Short film …

【今夜放送】「ペット」キャスト、あらすじまとめ 吹き替え声優はあ の人気お笑いコンビ! 短編 …
番組の後半では、ドリームワークス・アニメーションの短編アニメ「 ビルビー」もテレビ初放送。本記事ではキャスト、スタッフ、あらすじなどを紹介す る…

[Tonight broadcast] “Pet” cast, synopsis summary of dubbing voice actors are that popular comedy combination! Short film …
In the latter half of the program, the short animation of Dream Works Animation is also broadcast on TV for the first time. In this article, it introduces casts, staff, synopsis, etc. …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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