Umino folk tale animation “Whale mikoshi” is completed! Anime coach paid a courtesy call to Mayor Natsuno, Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture …


Umino folk tale animation “Whale mikoshi” is completed! Anime coach paid a courtesy call to Mayor Natsuno, Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture …

海ノ民話アニメーション「鯨神輿」が完成!アニメ監督が富山県射水 市 夏野元志市長を表敬訪問し …
情報提供:. 一般社団法人日本昔ばなし協会と日本財団が取り組む「海ノ民話のまち プロジェクト」は、日本中に残された海にまつわる民話を発掘し…

Umino folk tale animation “Whale mikoshi” is completed! Anime coach paid a courtesy call to Mayor Natsuno, Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture …
Information provision:. The “Umino Folk Tales Town Project”, which is worked by the Japan Future Association and the Nippon Foundation, discovers folk tales related to the sea remaining throughout Japan
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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