Learning manga “Scientific Manga Survival” series from Korea, TV animation decision -Movie.com


Learning manga “Scientific Manga Survival” series from Korea, TV animation decision -Movie.com

韓国発の学習漫画「科学漫画サバイバル」シリーズ、TVアニメ化決定 – 映画.com
韓国発の学習漫画シリーズ「科学漫画サバイバル」(朝日新聞出版刊)のテレビ アニメ化が決定した。放送時期や放送局などの詳細は、順次発表される。

Learning manga “Scientific Manga Survival” series from Korea, TV animation decision -Movie.com
The TV animation of the learning manga series “Scientific manga Survival” (published by Asahi Shimbun) has been decided. Details such as broadcasting time and broadcasting stations will be announced sequentially.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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