The role of Kengo Dojima, the anime “Small Citizen Series”, is Shin Furukawa. “Anime Japan 2024” Special … –Famitsu


The role of Kengo Dojima, the anime “Small Citizen Series”, is Shin Furukawa. “Anime Japan 2024” Special … –Famitsu

アニメ『小市民シリーズ』堂島健吾役は古川慎に。“アニメジャパン 2024”スペシャル … – ファミ通
『氷菓』を手掛けた米澤穂信氏の人気小説のテレビアニメ化作品『小市民シ リーズ』の追加キャスト情報が発表。堂島健吾役を古川慎さんが担当することが明ら か…

The role of Kengo Dojima, the anime “Small Citizen Series”, is Shin Furukawa. “Anime Japan 2024” Special … –Famitsu
An additional cast information of the popular novel by Hoshinobu Yonezawa, who worked on “Hika”, was announced. It is clear that Shin Furukawa will be in charge of Kengo Dojima …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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