Kengo Dojima’s voice actor is from the anime of the Youth Mystery series of Hoshin Yonezawa in “Hika”.


Kengo Dojima’s voice actor is from the anime of the Youth Mystery series of Hoshin Yonezawa in “Hika”.

『氷菓』の米澤穂信の青春ミステリー〈小市民〉シリーズのアニメより 堂島健吾の声優が古川慎に …
〈小市民〉シリーズより『春期限定いちごタルト事件』『夏期限定トロピカルパフェ 事件』のTVアニメについて、堂島健吾役のキャスト情報が公開されました。

Kengo Dojima’s voice actor is from the anime of the Youth Mystery series of Hoshin Yonezawa in “Hika”.
Cast information about Kengo Dojima has been released on TV animation in the “Spring limited strawberry tart case” and “summer limited tropical parfait incident” from the “Small Citizen” series.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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