Talk show in Nagahama on the 2nd to know the fun of the anime Professional Dutser -Chunichi Shimbun Web


Talk show in Nagahama on the 2nd to know the fun of the anime Professional Dutser -Chunichi Shimbun Web

アニメプロデューサーの面白さ知って 2日、長浜でトークショー – 中 日新聞Web
滋賀大経済学部の卒業生で、映像企画などの大手「NBCユニバーサル・エンターテイ メントジャパン」の宇田真奈美さん(26)が登壇。アニメ好きが高じて職業 を選ん…

Talk show in Nagahama on the 2nd to know the fun of the anime Professional Dutser -Chunichi Shimbun Web
A graduate of the Shiga University Faculty of Economics, Manami Uda (26) of the NBC Universal Entertainment Japan, a major video planning, is on stage. Anime I like my profession …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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