Theatrical feature animation animated movie “Krayukaba” Book notice: April 12 (Fri) Road Show -YouTube


Theatrical feature animation animated movie “Krayukaba” Book notice: April 12 (Fri) Road Show -YouTube

劇場長編アニメーション映画『クラユカバ』本予告:4月12日(金)ロー ドショウ – YouTube
チャラン・ポ・ランタン書き下ろし主題歌「内緒の唄」を使用した本予告解禁! ◇4月12日(金)全国劇場にて公開◇ 監督・塚原重義の最新作『クラメルカガリ』…

Theatrical feature animation animated movie “Krayukaba” Book notice: April 12 (Fri) Road Show -YouTube
Charan Po Lantern’s newly written theme song “Secret song” is lifted! ◇ April 12 (Fri) Released at the National Theater ◇ Director Shigei Tsukahara’s latest work “Clamel Kagari”…
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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