Hayao Miyazaki “How do you live?” Academy Award for Best Anime Film Award for the second time since “Sen and Chihiro” …


Hayao Miyazaki “How do you live?” Academy Award for Best Anime Film Award for the second time since “Sen and Chihiro” …

宮崎駿監督「君たちはどう生きるか」アカデミー賞長編アニメ映画賞受 賞 「千と千尋」以来2度目 …
米映画界最大の祭典、第96回アカデミー賞の授賞式が10日(日本時間11日)、米ロサ ンゼルスで行われ、宮崎駿監督の「君たちはどう生きるか」が長編アニメ映 画…

Hayao Miyazaki “How do you live?” Academy Award for Best Anime Film Award for the second time since “Sen and Chihiro” …
The 96th Academy Awards, the largest festival in the US movie world, will be held in Los Angeles, USA on the 10th (11th Japan time), and Hayao Miyazaki’s “How you live” is a feature film anime /// b> Movies …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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