Toei Animation, “Golden Gash Bell! ! “Friends of Eternal Bonds” has a new purple character “<The Path to the Strongest…


Toei Animation, “Golden Gash Bell! ! “Friends of Eternal Bonds” has a new purple character “

東映アニメ、『金色のガッシュベル!! 永遠の絆の仲間たち』に紫属 性の新キャラ「<最強への道 …
東映アニメーション<4816>は、『金色のガッシュベル!! 永遠(とわ )の絆の仲間たち』(略称『トワキズ』)において、3月13日メンテナンス後に、紫 属性の新…

Toei Animation, “Golden Gash Bell! ! “Friends of Eternal Bonds” has a new purple character “Animation<4816> ! In “Friends of Eternal Bonds” (abbreviated as “Towakizu”), after the maintenance on March 13th, a new purple attribute…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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