The composition of the anime series “Modern Mistranslation” is Haraichi’s Yuki Iwai, “Each episode has a completely different taste” – Yamagata Shimbun


The composition of the anime series “Modern Mistranslation” is Haraichi’s Yuki Iwai, “Each episode has a completely different taste” – Yamagata Shimbun

アニメ『現代誤訳』シリーズ構成はハライチの岩井勇気「各話、全く違 うテイストの話」 – 山形新聞
アニメーションはポップですが、台本はかなり挑戦的です! アニメで漫才をやるのは難しいですが、コントなら親和性が高いです。 声優さんのア フレコも抜群でした…

The composition of the anime series “Modern Mistranslation” is Haraichi’s Yuki Iwai, “Each episode has a completely different taste” – Yamagata Shimbun
The animation is pop, but the script is quite challenging! It is difficult to do manzai in anime, but it is highly compatible with skits. The voice actors’ dubbing was also outstanding …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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