“Detective Conan” is the first anime content from “Japan”! Regular attraction appears at “USJ” in March…


“Detective Conan” is the first anime content from “Japan”! Regular attraction appears at “USJ” in March…

「名探偵コナン」“日本発”のアニメコンテンツ初! 「USJ」にレギュ ラーアトラクション登場 3月 …
『名探偵コナン』のシアター型アトラクションが、「ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャ パン」に“日本発”アニメのレギュラーアトラクションとして初登場。2024年 3…

“Detective Conan” is the first anime content from “Japan”! Regular attraction appears at “USJ” in March…
The “Detective Conan” theater-type attraction will appear for the first time at Universal Studios Japan as a regular attraction of the “Japanese” Animation. 20243 …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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