Anime “Tenku Senki Shurato” will be remastered. Scheduled to be distributed sequentially on various distribution platforms


Anime “Tenku Senki Shurato” will be remastered. Scheduled to be distributed sequentially on various distribution platforms

アニメ『天空戦記シュラト』リマスター化決定。各種配信プラットフ ォームで順次配信予定
アニメ『天空戦記シュラト』はインド神話をベースとした独特の世界観が特 徴的なアクション作品。調和神ヴィシュヌの導きによって、神々の住む異世界“天空 界”に…

Anime “Tenku Senki Shurato” will be remastered. Scheduled to be distributed sequentially on various distribution platforms
Anime “Shurato” is an action work with a unique worldview based on Indian mythology. Guided by Vishnu, the God of Harmony, you will be transported to a different world called the Sky World where the gods live. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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