Haruki Murakami’s original anime movie “Blind Willow and Sleeping Woman” released on 7/26 – Risemam


Haruki Murakami’s original anime movie “Blind Willow and Sleeping Woman” released on 7/26 – Risemam

村上春樹原作アニメ映画「めくらやなぎと眠る女」7/26公開 – リセマ ム
村上春樹原作の初の長編アニメ映画『めくらやなぎと眠る女』が、7月26日よ り全国公開されることが決定した。これに伴い、日本版ビジュアルと予告映像が…

Haruki Murakami’s original anime movie “Blind Willow and Sleeping Woman” released on 7/26 – Risemam
It has been decided that the first full-length anime film based on Haruki Murakami’s novel, “Blind Willow and Sleeping Woman” will be released nationwide on July 26th. Along with this, the Japanese version visual and trailer video are released …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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