“A work that anyone can look forward to” Gunma Stage’s TV anime “Nanare Hana Nare” Nakagawa plays the role of Kanata Misora…
「どんな人も前を向ける作品に」 群馬舞台のテレビアニメ「菜なれ花 なれ」 美空かなた役・中川 …
7月からテレビ東京系列で放送予定の、群馬県が舞台のテレビアニメ「菜なれ 花なれ(通称・なれなれ)」。テーマは「応援」で、チアが題材として取り上げら れ…
“A work that anyone can look forward to” Gunma Stage’s TV anime “Nanare Hana Nare” Nakagawa plays the role of Kanata Misora…
The TV anime “Nanare Hana Nare” (commonly known as Nare Nare), set in Gunma Prefecture, is scheduled to be broadcast on the TV Tokyo network from July. The theme was “cheer”, and cheerleading was featured as a theme. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.