New anime created by the entire town Otsuchi Town, theme of hope that has overcome the Great Earthquake | Iwate Nippo IWATE NIPPO


New anime created by the entire town Otsuchi Town, theme of hope that has overcome the Great Earthquake | Iwate Nippo IWATE NIPPO

新アニメ、町を挙げて制作 大槌町、大震災乗り越えた希望テーマ | 岩手 日報 IWATE NIPPO
岩手県大槌町は新作オリジナルアニメ「大槌超神楽ダイハンマー」を制作し た。東日本大震災の復興支援を続ける町出身者やゆかりの声優、イラストレーターら が…

New anime created by the entire town Otsuchi Town, theme of hope that has overcome the Great Earthquake | Iwate Nippo IWATE NIPPO
Otsuchi Town, Iwate Prefecture, has produced a new original anime called “Otsuchi Cho Kagura Daihammer.” People from the town, voice actors and illustrators who are connected to the town continue to support recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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