Hayao Miyazaki’s first directorial animation “Future Boy Conan” stage adaptation Seishiro Kato, who plays Conan, “I cherish the straightness”


Hayao Miyazaki’s first directorial animation “Future Boy Conan” stage adaptation Seishiro Kato, who plays Conan, “I cherish the straightness”

宮崎駿初監督アニメ「未来少年コナン」舞台化 コナン役の加藤清史郎 「真っすぐさ大切に」
宮崎駿がスタジオジブリの設立前に初めて監督したテレビアニメ「未来少年 コナン」が舞台化され、28日に東京で上演が始まる。戦争によって荒廃…

Hayao Miyazaki’s first directorial animation “Future Boy Conan” stage adaptation Seishiro Kato, who plays Conan, “I cherish the straightness”
“Future Boy Conan,” the television anime that Hayao Miyazaki directed for the first time before he founded Studio Ghibli, has been adapted for the stage, and production will begin in Tokyo on the 28th. Devastated by war…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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