The world’s fastest online screening of the TV anime “Midnight Punch” will be held with cast members including Ikumi Hasegawa…


The world’s fastest online screening of the TV anime “Midnight Punch” will be held with cast members including Ikumi Hasegawa…

TVアニメ「真夜中パンチ」 世界最速オンライン上映会が開催 長谷川 育美らキャストによる …
同作は2022年放送のTVアニメ「パリピ孔明」のスタッフが贈る動画投 稿サイトで活動する〝NewTuber〟たちのガールズコメディー作品。アニ メーション

The world’s fastest online screening of the TV anime “Midnight Punch” will be held with cast members including Ikumi Hasegawa…
This work is a girls’ comedy work by the “New Tubers” who are active on the video posting site presented by the staff of the TV anime “Paripi Komei” which will be broadcast in 2022. Animation …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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