“Chi.” Uotoyo’s serialized debut “Hyakuemu” will be made into a theatrical animation in 2025. Directed by Kenji Iwaisawa, director of “Ongaku.”


“Chi.” Uotoyo’s serialized debut “Hyakuemu” will be made into a theatrical animation in 2025. Directed by Kenji Iwaisawa, director of “Ongaku.”

「チ。」魚豊の連載デビュー作「ひゃくえむ。」25年に劇場アニメ化 「音楽」の岩井澤健治が監督
アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭の「Work in Progress」部門への選出も 決定しており、現地時間6月11日には岩井澤監督らが登壇し、現在制作進行中である 本作の…

“Chi.” Uotoyo’s serialized debut “Hyakuemu” will be made into a theatrical animation in 2025. Directed by Kenji Iwaisawa, director of “Ongaku.”
It has also been selected for the “Work in Progress” section of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, and director Iwaizawa and others will be on stage on June 11 local time, and production is currently underway. This work …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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