The opening theme for the anime “ATRI” is Nogizaka46’s “Ano Hikari”, a unit song by 6 members including Kazu Inoue, Haruka Kaki, and Renka Iwamoto.
アニメ『ATRI』OPテーマは乃木坂46「あの光」 井上和・賀喜遥香・岩 本蓮加ら6人でのユニット曲に
ニュース| アニメ『ATRI -My Dear Moments-』の初回放送日が7月13日に決 定し、乃木坂46が担当するOPテーマの曲名が「あの光」となることが決定した。 22/7が…
The opening theme for the anime “ATRI” is Nogizaka46’s “Ano Hikari”, a unit song by 6 members including Kazu Inoue, Haruka Kaki, and Renka Iwamoto.
News | Anime The first broadcast date of “ATRI -My Dear Moments-” has been decided on July 13th, and the title of the opening theme song performed by Nogizaka46 has been decided to be “Ano Hikari” did. 22/7…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.