The number of visitors to the spots featured in the anime has increased by 10 times, and local governments are moving to attract filming locations for movies, which are highly effective.


The number of visitors to the spots featured in the anime has increased by 10 times, and local governments are moving to attract filming locations for movies, which are highly effective.

アニメヒットで登場スポットへの訪問者10倍増、映画も〝効果〟高く ロケ誘致に動く自治体
このため、コミックやアニメがヒットすると、たちまち沼津に観光客が訪れ るようになった。いわゆる〝聖地巡礼〟だ。 沼津市の担当者によると、劇中に登場 する…

The number of visitors to the spots featured in the anime has increased by 10 times, and local governments are moving to attract filming locations for movies, which are highly effective.
For this reason, as soon as comics and anime became hits, tourists began to visit Numazu. It’s a so-called “pilgrimage to sacred places.” According to a Numazu City official, the characters that appear in the play …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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