Haruki Murakami’s first anime adaptation of his work: “I watched it twice, and I really enjoyed it.” – Chunichi Shimbun Web


Haruki Murakami’s first anime adaptation of his work: “I watched it twice, and I really enjoyed it.” – Chunichi Shimbun Web

村上春樹さん、自身の作品が初のアニメ化「2回見たけど、とても楽し く見た」 – 中日新聞Web
作家の村上春樹さんが15日、東京・早稲田大大隈記念講堂で、アニメ映画「 めくらやなぎと眠る女」(ピエール・フォルデス監督、7月 日公開)…

Haruki Murakami’s first anime adaptation of his work: “I watched it twice, and I really enjoyed it.” – Chunichi Shimbun Web
Author Haruki Murakami spoke at the Waseda Okuma Memorial Auditorium in Tokyo on the 15th at the anime movie “The Blind Willow and the Sleeping Woman” (directed by Pierre Fordez, released on July)…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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