“Strinova” is a TPS where anime-style beautiful girls transform into two-dimensional characters and fight. On June 20th…


“Strinova” is a TPS where anime-style beautiful girls transform into two-dimensional characters and fight. On June 20th…

アニメ風の美少女たちが二次元化して戦うTPS「Strinova(ストリノヴ ァ)」。6月20日に …
アニメ風の美少女やイケメンたちが入り乱れ,銃と特殊能力で戦うタクティ カルTPS「Strinova(ストリノヴァ)」のプレイレポートをお届けする。2024年6月 20日…

“Strinova” is a TPS where anime-style beautiful girls transform into two-dimensional characters and fight. On June 20th…
AnimeWe bring you a play report of the tactical TPS “Strinova” where beautiful girls and handsome men fight using guns and special abilities. June 20, 2024 …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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