Spring anime official makes unusual apology due to lack of publicity Despite strong stance, the final episode of “Astronaut” fails to gain supremacy…


Spring anime official makes unusual apology due to lack of publicity Despite strong stance, the final episode of “Astronaut” fails to gain supremacy…

春アニメ公式、宣伝不足で異例の謝罪 強気の姿勢も覇権取れず…『アス トロノオト』最終回の …
4月より放送中のオリジナルテレビアニメ『アストロノオト』の公式Xが更新 され、「覇権を取りたかった…これは宣伝チームの力不足…応援していただいてい る…

Spring anime official makes unusual apology due to lack of publicity Despite strong stance, the final episode of “Astronaut” fails to gain supremacy…
The official X of the original TV anime “Astronaut”, which has been broadcasting since April, has been updated and says, “I wanted to take supremacy…This is due to the lack of strength of the advertising team…Thank you for your support.” …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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