The voice actors of the anime “Young Master of Escape”, including Asaki Yukawa, Hinayoshi Yano, and Yuichi Nakamura, gather together! Yukari “Negawawa”…


The voice actors of the anime “Young Master of Escape”, including Asaki Yukawa, Hinayoshi Yano, and Yuichi Nakamura, gather together! Yukari “Negawawa”…

アニメ『逃げ上手の若君』結川あさき&矢野妃菜喜&中村悠一ら声優陣 が集結!「逃げ若」ゆかり …
テレビアニメ『逃げ上手の若君』(7月6日放送開始)のプレミア上映会が 23日、作品のゆかりの地・鶴岡八幡宮(神奈川県鎌倉市)で開催された。

The voice actors of the anime “Young Master of Escape”, including Asaki Yukawa, Hinayoshi Yano, and Yuichi Nakamura, gather together! Yukari “Negawawa”…
The premiere screening of the TV anime‘s “Young Master” (broadcast begins on July 6th) was held on the 23rd at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine (Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture), the place associated with the work.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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