A sad remembrance anime of a relief station for atomic bomb survivors, produced by a group of residents in Omura City, Nagasaki, depicts a medic and a girl who lost her mother.


A sad remembrance anime of a relief station for atomic bomb survivors, produced by a group of residents in Omura City, Nagasaki, depicts a medic and a girl who lost her mother.

被爆者救護所の悲しい追憶アニメに 長崎・大村市の住民グループ制作 衛生兵と、母亡くした少女描く
長崎原爆の被爆者を救護した地元の歴史を語り継ぐ大村市松原地区の住民グループ「 松原の救護列車を伝える会」が制作した短…|西日本新聞meは、九州の…

A sad remembrance anime of a relief station for atomic bomb survivors, produced by a group of residents in Omura City, Nagasaki, depicts a medic and a girl who lost her mother.
A short story produced by the Matsubara Relief Train Conveyance Association, a group of residents in the Matsubara district of Omura City, which tells the story of the local history of rescuing victims of the Nagasaki atomic bomb.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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