Advertisements are being posted in Tokyo and Osaka to commemorate the start of anime broadcasting from July 3rd!


Advertisements are being posted in Tokyo and Osaka to commemorate the start of anime broadcasting from July 3rd!

いよいよ明後日に迫ったTVアニメ放送開始を記念して、本日より新宿・渋 谷・秋葉原・大阪と各地で『時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん』の広 告を…

Advertisements are being posted in Tokyo and Osaka to commemorate the start of anime broadcasting from July 3rd!
To commemorate the start of TVanimebroadcasting, which is approaching the day after tomorrow, from today onwards we will be running advertisements for “Arya-san next door, who sometimes blurts out things in Russian” in Shinjuku, Shibuya, Akihabara, and Osaka.  …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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