Popular occupations: athletes, manga artists, 6th grade survey, researchers and doctors also | San’in Chuo Shimpo Digital


Popular occupations: athletes, manga artists, 6th grade survey, researchers and doctors also | San’in Chuo Shimpo Digital

人気職業 選手や漫画家 小6調査 研究者と医師も | 山陰中央新報デジ タル
クラレは今年3月の卒業を前にした小学6年生を対象に、将来就きたい職業を聞いた 調査結果を発表した。男の子はスポーツ選手が昨年に続き首位と不動の人気を…

Popular occupations: athletes, manga artists, 6th grade survey, researchers and doctors also | San’in Chuo Shimpo Digital
Kuraray has released the results of a survey of 6th grade elementary school students, who are about to graduate in March of this year, and asked them what jobs they would like to have in the future. Among boys, athletes continue to be the most popular as last year. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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