We are looking for manga originals in novel format with 12,000 characters! Original work by Flex Comics x BookLive x indent…


We are looking for manga originals in novel format with 12,000 characters! Original work by Flex Comics x BookLive x indent…

マンガ原作を、12000文字の小説形式で募集!フレックスコミックス ×BookLive×indentが原作 …
マンガの原作シナリオコンテスト「第二回 フレックスコミックス漫 画原作大賞」を開催いたします。今回は「異世界」をテーマに3部門を設け、本 日から2024年10…

We are looking for manga originals in novel format with 12,000 characters! Original work by Flex Comics x BookLive x indent…
Manga Original Scenario Contest “2nd Flex Comics Manga Original Work Award” will be held. This time, we have set up 3 categories with the theme of “Another World”, and from today, 2024 10 …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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