“Manga Koshien” Takaoka Ryukoku High School receives first grand prize | NHK Toyama Prefecture News


“Manga Koshien” Takaoka Ryukoku High School receives first grand prize | NHK Toyama Prefecture News

「まんが甲子園」 高岡龍谷高校が初の最優秀賞|NHK 富山県のニュー ス
【NHK】国内外の高校生たちが漫画を描く実力を競い合う「まんが甲 子園」の本選が4日、高知市で幕を閉じ、高岡龍谷高校が初めて最優秀賞に輝きまし た。 …

“Manga Koshien” Takaoka Ryukoku High School receives first grand prize | NHK Toyama Prefecture News
[NHK] The final competition of “Manga Koshien”, where high school students from Japan and abroad compete to see their manga drawing skills, concluded on the 4th in Kochi City, and Takaoka Ryukoku High School It won the top prize for the first time. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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