Enjoy manga even in places where there is no signal! Explaining the download function of the manga app “Magapoke”!


Enjoy manga even in places where there is no signal! Explaining the download function of the manga app “Magapoke”!

電波が届かない場所でも漫画を楽しもう! 漫画アプリ「マガポケ」の ダウンロード機能を解説!
飛行機の中や、通信環境が整っていない場所で、「マガポケなし」の時間を過ごすこ とができますか!? 僕は無理です! いつでもどこでもマガポケの漫画を読み たい…

Enjoy manga even in places where there is no signal! Explaining the download function of the manga app “Magapoke”!
Is it possible to spend time on an airplane or in a place where there is no communication environment without using Magapoke? I can’t do it! I want to read Manga of Magapoke anytime and anywhere …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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