File 127. Books to read when you want to believe in the possibilities of literature | What did you read yesterday? |Makoto Yokomichi – web Chikuma


File 127. Books to read when you want to believe in the possibilities of literature | What did you read yesterday? |Makoto Yokomichi – web Chikuma

File 127. 文学の可能性を信じたいときに読む本|昨日、なに読ん だ?|横道 誠 – webちくま
… マンガに開眼した。線質がシンプルで、同時代のマンガよりかっこいいと思った のだ。そのうちに絵本というジャンルは、マンガよりシンプルなだけに、いっそ う…

File 127. Books to read when you want to believe in the possibilities of literature | What did you read yesterday? |Makoto Yokomichi – web Chikuma
…I opened my eyes to manga. The line quality was simple and I thought it was cooler than the manga of the same era. Over time, the genre of picture books became even simpler than manga, so…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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