Maki Hirochi’s manga is written! Nihonbashi Delicious encounter at “Colledo Muromachi” –Ozmall


Maki Hirochi’s manga is written! Nihonbashi Delicious encounter at “Colledo Muromachi” –Ozmall

マキヒロチさん漫画書き下ろし!日本橋「コレド室町」でおいしい出会 い – OZmall
漫画『おひとりさまホテル』(新潮社)連載中のマキヒロチさん書き下ろし 漫画を、3カ月連続公開! 更新日:2024/02/13. 第2話:思わず晴れやかな表 情に!癒しの…

Maki Hirochi’s manga is written! Nihonbashi Delicious encounter at “Colledo Muromachi” –Ozmall
Manga Maki Hirochi’s manga, which is a series of “Odorai Hotel” (Shinchosha), has been released for three consecutive months! Update: 2024/02/13. Episode 2: Involuntarily expressive expression! Healing …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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