Now the most violent daily comic “Local is the best! ] And Don Quijote collaborates -kai -you


Now the most violent daily comic “Local is the best! ] And Don Quijote collaborates -kai -you

いま最もバイオレンスな日常漫画『地元最高!』とドン・キホーテがコ ラボ – KAI-YOU
いま最もドンキと相性がいい漫画? 『地元最高!』とドン・キホーテのコラ ボグッズが、2月17日(土)より販売開始となる。全国のドン・キホーテ150店舗 で…

Now the most violent daily comic “Local is the best! ] And Don Quijote collaborates -kai -you
Manga that goes well with Donki now? “Local is the best! ] And Don Quijote’s collaboration goods will be on sale on Saturday, February 17. At 150 Don Quijote stores nationwide …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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